Quantum Computing

Quantum computers take advantage of superposition and entanglement to solve problems in a fundamentally different way to classical computers. They can offer exponential or polynomial advantages in factoring and search algorithms respectively. It is expected that quantum computers will address challenges in drug discovery, materials design, supply chain management and in financial trading algorithms.

There are many potential architectures for quantum computers including superconducting circuits, trapped ions, diamond colour centres and photonics. Fraunhofer CAP is addressing multiple challenges associated with these architectures including at a component level and issues associated with scalability and networking.

Key capabilities include

  • Diamond microfabrication
  • Lasers for trapped-ion systems
  • Integrated optics for beam delivery
  • Novel photon sources (entangled and on-demand)
  • Integrated optics for photonics platforms

Some examples of our InnovateUK supported projects


"Quantum Technologies are set to transform the technology landscape and change the way we fundamentally navigate, compute, communicate and secure vast quantities of data that is the backbone of modern society. However, the technologies at the heart of this potential revolution are currently, largely shackled to sophisticated laboratories.


The Streamline project will build on highly-successful work from this consortium and will develop a reliable commercial solution for the cooling of strontium ions by addressing the challenges associated with the handling and packaging of novel GaN semiconductor materials. This demonstration represents a key step in meeting the demands of important systems covering the whole GaN-enabled spectrum (365-550nm)."

Fraunhofer CAP collaborated in this project with:




QUEST - Quantum Entangled Source     

The possibility to exchange a cryptographic key secured by the laws of quantum physics is rapidly leaving the academic laboratories and entering our everyday life, with commercial devices currently available. These, typically, rely on the propagation of quantum states of light in dedicated optical fibres. However, the unavoidable fibre loss is limiting the maximum distance achievable to roughly a hundred miles. This limitation could be overcome by exploiting satellite quantum communication. Different governments and funding agencies, such as China and the European Space Agency, are currently investigating this possibility. The main component for satellite quantum communication is the source of quantum light. In this project, we want to evaluate the feasibility of a commercial product for the generation of the necessary quantum states of light able to be deployed on a satellite. By combining Optocap's expertise in the packaging of optical components for space applications and Fraunhofer Centre for Applied Photonics know-how in quantum technologies, we aim at defining the route towards the first commercialisation of a source of entangled photons for satellite quantum communication.

Fraunhofer CAP collaborated in this project with:

Optocap Limited