The University of Strathclyde is a leading international technological university, which was founded by John Anderson as a 'place of useful learning'.
Strathclyde is a key stakeholder in Fraunhofer UK and Fraunhofer CAP, with a great deal of mutual benefit realised in a short time and technologies originating in Strathclyde maturing in Fraunhofer and heading towards useful industrial outcomes.
Whilst Strathclyde has a key collaboration with Fraunhofer, the Fraunhofer is of course free to engage with other Universities across the UK and EU and is succesfully working with Heriot-Watt University, the University of St Andrews, University of Warsaw, University of Neuchatel amongst others.
A close partnership with the excellent research base at the University of Strathlcyde's Institute of Photonics is vital to the ongoing relevance, offering and capability of Fraunhofer CAP. A large percentage of our postgraduate students are academically supervised by Strathclyde colleagues. Several departments across the Science and Engineering Faculties have worked on projects and studentships with Fraunhofer CAP, including the Departments of Physics, Chemistry, Bioengineering, SIPBS and the Centre for Excellence in Signal and Image Processing.
Fraunhofer is located in the heart of the Glasgow City Innovation District and together with the University of Strathclyde, several Catapult centres, NPL Scotland, several Innovation Centres and dozens of industrial collaborators, it is an ambitious and vibrant innovation community.